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Lead with Success

Working with a coach can help propel you and your team to greater success.


  • Identify your goals, blockers and limiting beliefs.

  • Identify what success looks like and create a plan to achieve this.

  • Improve relationships across your organisation. 

  • Drive up productivity. 

  • Enhance psychological safety in the workplace. 

Executive Coaching

Executive coaching is one of the fastest growth areas within coaching, and with good reason. A 2022 Hay Group estimated that up to 40% of Fortune 500 companies utilised executive coaches.


Working with an Executive Coach can help with:

  • Improved decision making

  • Enhanced Productivity

  • Increased adaptability

  • Increased self-awareness

  • Improved work-life balance


From an 'Executive Tune-Up', to  coaching for promotion success or career transition clarity. Executive coaches have specialised training to work specifically with people in high level and high pressure positions.



Team Coaching

Organisations may invite an Executive Coach to work with a group, team or entire organisation. There are many forms this coaching can take, from blended group and individual sessions, workshops or specialised sessions such as conflict resolution or agile adoption. 


Coaching with teams can help with:

  • Navigating organisational change

  • Empowering team members

  • Conflict resolution

  • Increasing productivity

  • Strengthening organisational culture

  • Improving team performance

Book a Free Discovery Call

Book a 30 minute discovery call with me to discuss your coaching goals.

Personal Branding & Presence

Understanding and developing your personal brand is a powerful tool to aid your career growth towards or within leadership positions. 


New and aspiring leaders can also find that they are asked to 'increase their leadership presence'.  Coaching is an excellent way to discover how to develop this skill with authenticity and integrity to your style of leadership.


Delivering public speech with gravitas, empathy, impact or energy is an important measure of your leadership.  Training in public speaking and presenting can be included within this subset of coaching and will provide you with a powerful toolkit for leadership presence.

MBA Student Support

Undertaking an MBA offers huge benefits to your career.  As a coach I help students manage the pressures that MBA life can present; 

  •  Imposter syndrome

  • Time management

  • Overwhelm

  • Confidence for class participation

  • Communicating with highly functional groups

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