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Citrus Fruits

Live life better

Quite often if we are feeling out of balance it does not compartmentalise neatly in our 9-5 or exist just in our home life. 

Feelings of overwhelm, imposter syndrome and burnout pervade across our work and home life. Identifying what is blocking you from leading a happier more fulfilled life starts with your first coaching session.

imposter syndrome

Imposter syndrome is believed to affect up to 70% of all adults at some point from the highest levels of leadership, to award winning musicians, teachers and doctors. 


It’s that nagging sense of self doubt on your abilities, the feeling that your colleagues are more competent than you, and the belief that you are a fraud who will eventually be discovered as such.


Imposter Syndrome can take over your thinking regardless of your qualifications, your experience, or your success to date.


Understanding and managing the symptoms of Imposter Syndrome through coaching can bring your confidence and zest for work and life back with a renewed sense of self.


Managing overwhelm & burnout


Saying yes to everything.

Seeing everything as a priority.

Unfocused work.


Whether this is in your work or your home and family life, these can be symptoms of overwhelm which can lead to burnout. Our’always on’ modern life is filled with more demands and distractions than ever.


Tackling how overwhelm is affecting you and creating a plan to manage your way back to control is achievable with a course of coaching to get you back on track.

Book a Free Discovery Call

Book a 30 minute discovery call with me to discuss your coaching goals.

career& life change

”Anytime a mindset shift is required, it’s time for a coach”.


Feeling like your career needs to shift?

Children leaving home?

Moving to a new part of the country or world?


Change can be overwhelming but when well managed it can be empowering. 


Change is a time when you challenge your real identity and who you have the potential to become. With a coach you can determine what you want change to bring for you, challenge your beliefs and bring about successful change.

confidence coaching

There are (almost) no entirely confident people. But is easy to believe that confidence belongs naturally or more easily to some. We are all entirely confident in some things, and need to build confidence with others.

Coaching can help build confidence with:

  • Initiating and managing difficult conversations

  • Setting boundaries

  • Identifying your strengths and skillsets

  • Rebounding after a setback such as redundancy

Book a free discovery call today to discuss where you would like to build more confidence and learn how coaching can get you there.


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