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From Manager to Executive: It’s a Mind Melt

I have a relative who spent the last 20 years of his career refusing to move up to senior executive roles.

Working for one of the world's biggest consumer corporations, he’d had incredible success working his way through the tiers of sales management, everyone expected him to move into the C suite but he was adamant that this was not what he wanted.

He loved leading fast, dynamic hungry teams where he could roll up his sleeves and be in the thick of things. The old adage that ‘it’s lonely at the top’ has some real truths to it and for some like my relative, it’s a real deal breaker.

Harvard Business Review published a story (albeit 10 years ago) around loneliness in leadership, it cited that half of CEO’s report experiencing feelings of loneliness with 61% believing it hinders their performance.

Sadly, there’s more than just loneliness to accommodate as you prepare to move up from management. This Forbes article breaks down a starter list that coaches share on what they have experienced in helping people transition to the executive tier.

From shifting your definitions of success and developing visionary and strategic mindsets, to receiving less feedback, avoiding imposter syndrome and practicing patience as your perspective shifts in your new position.

More and more organisations are realising the benefits of supporting internally promoted candidates with a coach to help them make this transition successfully.

Even if your organisation does not facilitate a coaching programme for you, it is widely accepted to work with an external coach, often as a professional service that can be expensed.

Considering a promotion, considering an external move upwards or recently elevated to an executive position? Coaching can be a really useful aid to help you feel empowered, supported and maybe, just a little less lonely.

If you're curious to know more about how coaching can help you right now, you can book in a free discovery call with me on my Calendly link here.

Jessica Smith is an ICF certified Executive Coach specialising in imposter syndrome and marketing consultant. Based in the UK, working with clients and teams globally for both in person and online sessions


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